
Aloha and Welcome to The Playground for The Soul Center. This is a special place where you can take time away from your busy world to relax and get away from it all. You can travel to sacred sites around the world, enjoy relaxing videos of beautiful waterfalls, forests, join a variety of activities, learn about several alternative and complementary modalities of healing, see who is holding holistic healing classes and events in the Community, and much more. You have arrived at a playground that is food for the soul. It's a place where love and healing are shared in many ways to assist you on your journey.
Welcome To The Playground Beautiful Soul
The purpose of this website is to heal; to show you that you are so much more than you think you are. This website is a playground center for your wee inner soul (child) to experience lightness and inspiration, a place of refuge from the worries and fears of daily life. You have arrived at a very unique place.
I invite you to browse the site. Take a break from your daily activities to mellow out, rejuvenate, and renew yourself. May this place be an online Oasis.

What's Inside The Playground?
Table of Contents
Community Page
(Meet In the Community Hall)
This website offers professionals, teachers and other people with expertise in alternative, complementary and integrative healing techniques an opportunity to announce upcoming workshops, lectures and events.
All of these events center around the Healing Love of God/Source energies. Held in the Community Hall. Do check it out!
Weekly Worldwide Meditation
(Held in your location.)
Rev. Mariana Griffith, Leader
I invite you to join our group on Wednesday evenings at a time that is convenient for you in your own space.
The Retreat
(On campus and around the world.)
You are invited to join the virtual retreat through pictures and videos of relaxing activities, sacred places around the world. This is a special place where you can take a break, enjoy a quiet time, and embrace the peace and beauty of Mother Nature.
There is Recommended Reading also.
Meditation Pages
(Held at the Pavilion & Reflecting Pond.)
The Meditation Page offers several visualization meditations including meditations for nourishing your soul, and healing to relax, and comfort you. There is even a meditation to assist you in the healing process of pre and post surgery, medical or dental procedures.
You will also find tips on how to meditate, how to create a comfortable space and the many benefits of meditation!
Meditation Is Great For Kids!
A few words about prayer and healing.
Prayer Requests - There is also a section here for Prayer Requests.
Healing Therapies & East/West Medicine Arts
(Takes place in the Classrooms.)
Here there are many different types of healing modalities from Western and Eastern parts of the world, and explanations of them. There are also some healing techniques that you can experiment with in your daily life like healing with music, crystals, or healing using colors.
The Jungle Gym Vegetarian/Vegan Cafe
Enjoy the virtual café and the recipes that our visitors have posted.
I invite you to come take a look. You might just find a good recipe for dinner tonight. Perhaps you have a recipe you would like to share that is especially tasty. It's easy just send me an e-mail.
Inspirational Topics
There are eclectic subjects that are worthy of a read for example: Twin Souls, What Is The Rainbow Bridge, Success Over Stress (SOS), and more.
Guest Book
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